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The museum opened its doors in September 1997. With the visionary planning of Tina and Tom Thoburn and a dedicated steering committee, a donation of historic local lumber was secured to create Ligonier’s log cabin façade. The perfect setting for a relaxing stroll.

Whether outside surrounded by our beautiful flower gardens, or inside amongst our rotating exhibitions of American art, the museum is your tranquil get-away from the busy rush of the city. The Museum offers a full schedule of programs and activities including a variety of educational activities for kids of all ages.

Becoming accustomed with the floor plan in advance of your visit will help you find your way around the museum.  The museum is accessible to everybody! Download floor plan here.


Founded in 2000, the Friends of SAMA consists of approximately thirty members and serves to provide financial and volunteer support. The Friends are also charged with increasing public attention on the Museum and helping to broaden its membership. Join the Friends today!



Come to SAMA and get your creative juices flowing with greeting card making on the first Saturday each month from 10am-12pm. Cost for the Saturday Card Club is $5 per session. All supplies will be provided.  Registration is not required but can be made using the link below. 



The Donald M. Robinson Sculpture Park opened in 2018. We are a member of the Westmoreland Pollinator Partners maintaining gardens which serve as shelter to migrating monarch butterflies, a species in peril. Find more information on what's on display inside on the exhibitions tab.


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The Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art is proud to be affiliated with the following organizations:

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American Alliance of Museums
Explore Altoona

Stay connected. Follow us on facebook.

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The Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art is financed [in part] by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development.


Pennsylvania non-profit corporation tax exempt as a publicly supported organization under section 501(3) and 509(a) and 170(b)(1)(a)(vi) and the Internal Revenue Code. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania (800) 731-0999.

© 2024 Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art. All rights reserved.

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